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Del Valle, Hendon Say They're Not Stressing Fundraising

Del Valle, Hendon Say They're Not Stressing Fundraising

Miguel del Valle/courtesy Flicker

A couple candidates for Chicago mayor without big campaign accounts insist fundraising will not be the only key to victory. We report on an early debate, organized by WBEZ, in the race to replace Richard Daley.

Best Game in Town: Check out more of the debate in the latest edition of our new political show

In the informal round table at iconic Manny’s Deli, state Senator Rickey Hendon took a swipe at a big name official who at this point isn’t even a candidate for mayor.

HENDON: I’ve heard that Rahm Emanuel curses more than Rod Blagojevich, so let him bring his nasty attitude right on into this race.

Hendon points out that Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, has a lot of personal wealth he can spend in a campaign. But Hendon says voters will focus on candidates’ issues and records. He and City Clerk Miguel del Valle, another candidate, actually talked-up their relatively small campaign accounts.

DEL VALLE: All the folks in the media come to me and say, How come you don’t have any money? But it’s the same folks in the media who then turn around and criticize you when you do raise money.
HENDON: Playing “pay to play” and all that.
DEL VALLE: And “pay to play.” Exactly. So what’s it going to be?

All mayoral campaigns have just over two months left to collect a minimum of 12,500 signatures from registered Chicago voters.

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