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No Sure Thing in Danny Davis' Mayoral Exploration

No Sure Thing in Danny Davis' Mayoral Exploration


Congressman Danny Davis says he’s circulating nominating petitions to run for Chicago mayor. But the candidacy is not a sure thing.

Davis says in a statement he has decided to “formally explore the possibility of running for mayor” and has started collecting signatures to get on the ballot. He hopes to fill what he calls a “tremendous leadership void” created by Mayor Richard Daley’s upcoming retirement. It would be a return to City Hall for Davis, who served as an alderman through the 1980s.

The announcement today is for an “exploratory” committee, though a spokeswoman says she’s more than 90-percent sure that Davis will enter the race. Last year Davis flirted for months with a campaign for president of the Cook County Board. He even turned in petitions to get on the ballot, only to withdraw them at the last minute and run for re-election to the U.S. House.

Two other Chicago congressmen, Luis Gutierrez and Jesse Jackson, Jr., also have said they’re considering campaigns for mayor.

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