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Teachers Union: Chicago Neighborhoods Need a "Marshall Plan"

The president of the Chicago Teachers Union is calling on the school district to create a “Marshall Plan” for Chicago ‘s historically poor neighborhoods.

Union president Karen Lewis told school leaders at yesterday’s Board of Education meeting they should expand social and health services at poor schools, and fully staff them.

LEWIS: Schools must become again the anchor of our communities rather than the current sinking ship sailed by CPS.

Lewis didn’t say how the district should pay for the plan, and at the same meeting, others testified about continuing cuts. Meghan Schmidt is with Chicago International Charter Schools. She said CPS drastically cut or eliminated after-school funding at her schools, including at what she called the highest performing charter in the city.

SCHMIDT: Those wrap-around services are an imperative part in the academic achievement.

In addition to those cuts, charter schools are getting 6 percent less from CPS this year.

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