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Appeals Court to Hear Case Against Conrad Black

Appeals Court to Hear Case Against Conrad Black

Former media titan Conrad Black has been out of prison for two months.

Even though he’s out of prison, the legal debate continues for media mogul Conrad Black. The federal appeals court in Chicago is scheduled to take up his case Wednesday morning.

Black has been free from a Florida prison for two months. He served two years of his 6 1/2-year sentence. The reason he didn’t have to do all that time is that the U.S. Supreme Court changed the so-called honest services statute, which prosecutors had used to convict him.

Black had been charged with defrauding investors of Hollinger International, an organization that oversaw many newspapers, including the Chicago Sun-Times. Now, it’s up to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to determine how much of Black’s conviction should be overturned.

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