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Some Congressmen Pushing a New 'Honest Services' Act

Some members of Congress want to reinstate parts of the so-called Honest Services law. It’s been used to prosecute politicians and business leaders accused of corruption.

The Supreme Court narrowed the scope of the law earlier this year, after appeals from former Chicago Sun-Times chief Conrad Black and Enron executive Jeffrey Skilling.

But Illinois Congressman Mike Quigley says the ruling hurt corruption fighting efforts.

QUIGLEY: It created a loophole, unfortunately, for public officials who could and have misused their official office for personal gain. As we here in Illinois know, there’s always a trial taking place, or a scandal du jour, so we’re trying to fill that loophole as soon as possible.

Quigley is co-sponsoring legislation that might be taken up after the current congressional recess.

Former Illinois Governor George Ryan was convicted on Honest Services counts, as was Robert Sorich, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley’s former patronage chief.

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