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Lame duck Daley keeps mum on Quinn's tax plan

Lame duck Daley keeps mum on Quinn's tax plan

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley

WBEZ/Kate Gardiner

Illinois’ governor has been making the rounds to different media outlets to talk up his budget plan before lawmakers return to the capital next week. But his ideas don’t seem to be getting support from Chicago’s mayor.

Mayor Richard Daley’s never been sheepish about criticizing Governor Pat Quinn’s budget plans. But now - with about seven months left in his final term - Daley seems to be keeping out of the fight.

When asked today, for example, where he stands on a plan to build a Chicago casino, Daley said “I’m right - I’m standing right here, today,” then gestured down to his feet, smirking. “Just want to make sure - I’m standing here.”

And the mayor gave an indirect response to a question about Quinn’s plan to raise the state income tax by one percentage point.

“Well, again, he will say that much clearer and louder to all the people who want their taxes raised - they will voice their opinion,” Daley said.

Next week, it’ll be the General Assembly’s turn to weigh in on the governor’s budget plan when it reconvenes for a veto session.

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