Chicago's NPR News Source

The New Bleacher Bums: Financial advice from a drunk Cubs fan (video)

The New Bleacher Bums: Financial advice from a drunk Cubs fan (video)

This summer has been an awful one for those watching the stock markets. It seems everyone is bracing for a financial meltdown. So maybe now would be the best time to start fresh and focus on fiscal responsibility. It’s time for some financial advice.

Now I can’t be the one to give you advice. I just don’t have the chops. But I do know someone who can. Her name is Colleen Henneman and she is not a licensed financial advisor. She’s one better. She’s a drunk Cubs fan.

Henneman broke on the scene with a April 1, 2011 interview that went mega-viral. After the success of this interview, I decided to find my subject and go ‘native’ at Wrigley Field this summer. I found much more.

I’m calling my documentary project, ‘New Bleacher Bums.’

I risked a lot this summer. I risked my good name, my integrity and quite possibly, my new shoes (because she pukes a lot). We ran out of our grant money in the editing stages, but I am now looking for ways to get the story of these Chicagoans to the masses. I will be releasing several vignettes in the coming weeks.

Enjoy. And please donate to public media. Well, at least to me.

P.S. - Does anyone have Ira Glass’ email? I think we would love this.

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