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Sabotage! More Sun-Times printing errors. The Trib publishes them, right?

Sabotage! More Sun-Times printing errors. The Trib publishes them, right?

The big story this morning surrounds the slashing of former Mayor Daley’s bodyguard detail. The city is cracking down. No longer will Daley have six bodyguards. Now he will have three.

Daley accepted the detail where former mayors declined. (Well, the only one I know of was Jane Byrne) But if I were Daley, I would just move back to Bridgeport and let my neighbors be my bodyguards. Imagine the pride his Bridgeport neighbors would have taking watch over the hallowed Daley abode.

I would talk more about this story, but I read the printed paper today and this is how the article ended:


Okay, so there’s a normal article, right? Wrong! The article ends in mid sentence:

Who released the figures??????

The Trib publishes the Sun-Times, right? Right.

B story: John McCarter is going to retire as head of the Field Museum. For most, his legacy will be building and leading a robust 21st century natural history museum into the 21st century. But for me, his legacy includes taking away the free day at the museum. It used to be that you could walk up every Wednesday and forego the cover charge. It really made Chicago special and, frankly, was a nice perk for living here. But then McCarter got tricky with “discount days” and randomly selected free days. Timberlake brought sexy back. The new Field Museum President should bring Wednesdays back.

C story: Governor Quinn vetoed the ComEd rate hike bill. He said it was baaaad. Well, I don’t know if he actually used all those a’s, but he did call it a bad bill. So here’s a good question for you consumer: Do you want a smart grid? How are we to pay for a new grid for our electricity? Is ComEd bluffing and just looking for more scratch? Or do they really need more money from the consumer? Is Quinn doing this because he taking a beating in the public after going against his word on layoffs? What’s the story here? Will someone please tell me? I will say this in defense of our governor - he knows utilities. Quinn fought against rate hikes for years before he went to Springfield. So if he says it’s a ‘nightmare’ for Illinois consumers, I kind of have to trust him, right?

D story: Oooh, I like John R. Schmidt’s blog from yesterday. Did you know there was a scam in 1960’s Chicago where out-of-towners would ask cabbies where the action was and they would drive them to the mob in Cicero? Whaaaa? And I get mad at my cabbie when he doesn’t take Elston...

Weather: Beautiful day. Keep it up September. Keep it up.

Sports: The Chicago Bears are 1-0, still. This week they take on the Saints and former Center Olin Kreutz. The papers drooled all over Kreutz in their wrap-ups and previews essentially saying the Bears are at a disadvantage because Kreutz knows the defense and their calls. Really? I fear Brees dissecting our defense much more than Kreutz. At this stage, doesn’t everyone know everyone’s calls? That’s what film is for, right? Because I kind of watched Kreutz miss calls against the Packers defense last Thursday night, a defense he’s played over 10 times and studied for months. Something tells me that calls will be less important in this game than sheer athleticism. Kreutz vs. Melton? I’ll take Melton. Kreutz vs. Urlacher? Gotta go Urlacher. Kreutz vs. DJ Moore? I’ll take Moore. I don’t understand the media’s fascination with Olin Kreutz. He really liked you guys in the locker room, eh? Did he make you feel special? No longer were you dorks and dweebs. This football player took you in, made you feel one of the team. And you repay him by relentlessly reminding Chicago ownership (and fans) how sorry we will be that he is gone. Blech.

Also, Brandon Merriweather is in the news. Already.

Kicker: Did you miss my public radio co-workers breaking down the Bears game with me? This week, Robin Amer. I’m doing this bit every week.

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