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An Evening with Norman Finkelstein

For the first time since he was denied tenure at DePaul University in 2007, the controversial Dr. Norman Finkelstein will be returning to the university’s Lincoln Park campus for an event. Hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine and co-sponsored by the Middle East Politics Association, the event will feature two lectures. The first will be on prospects for peace in Israel and Palestine. The second will reveal for the first time the true story behind Dr. Finkelstein’s tenure battle.

Dr. Norman Finkelstein is a Jewish-American political scientist, human rights advocate, and activist. He is the author of eight books and has conducted research on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the politics surrounding the Holocaust. He received his doctorate from the Department of Politics at Princeton University in 1988. He was denied tenure from DePaul University in 2007 on terms that have not been revealed to the public. Immediately after his tenure case was announced, students in Chicago staged rallies, sit-ins, and hunger strikes to protest the University’s decision. In 2009, a documentary film was released about his life and career called An American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein.

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