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Surviving and Thriving as a Leader—Combating the Hidden Barriers to Success

Retired Colonel Jill Morgenthaler and Dr. Timothy Hayes talk about how men and women may not only survive but thrive, outling the skills that help surmount the obstacles within themselves and out in the world.

Retired Colonel Jill Morgenthaler was one of the first women to enter ROTC. She was the first female company commander in the Army Security Agency Group Korea, the first woman battalion commander in the 88th Regional Support Command, and the first female brigade commander in the 84th Division. She was the Governor of Illinois’ Deputy Chief of Staff for Public Safety and the state’s Homeland Security Advisor. She has extensive, mutlifacted civilian and military emergency management experience, such as handling emergency operations during the San Francisco earthquake in 1989 and resettling Kosovar refugees in 1998. After retiring as full Colonel, Morgenthaler now heads CJMI, a firm specializing in emergency management consulting for businesses, institutions, and government.

Dr. Timothy J. Hayes is a licensed clinical psychologist in Illinois with thirty years experience providing therapy to individuals and families who have experienced verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual trauma. His practice emphasizes the resources people possess within themselves to deal effectively with challenges. A psychologist and father, Hayes teaches parenting techniques, how to deal with power struggles, and speaks on a wide variety of topics related to mental health, relationships, and the mind-body connection.

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