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New Judge Appointed To Laquan McDonald Cover-Up Case

The special prosecution of three Chicago cops charged with covering up for Jason Van Dyke, the officer who fatally shot Laquan McDonald in 2014, keeps bouncing to different Cook County judges.

The special prosecution of three Chicago cops charged with covering up for Jason Van Dyke, the officer who fatally shot Laquan McDonald in 2014, keeps bouncing to different Cook County judges.

Officer Thomas Gaffney, former Officer Joseph Walsh and ex-Detective David March face charges of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and official misconduct.

Last week, the case was randomly assigned to Judge Mary Margaret Brosnahan, who is married to former Chicago Detective Kriston Kato. The Fraternal Order Police had assigned Kato to the McDonald shooting as a union representative. Brosnahan recused herself.

Then it was assigned to Judge Diane Gordon Cannon, known for her 2015 acquittal of Glenn Evans, a Chicago police lieutenant whose pistol had DNA that bolstered an allegation he had put the gun in a suspect’s mouth.

Special Prosecutor Patricia Brown Holmes, exercising a right to reject one judge without showing cause, filed a motion that asked for a new judge because Cannon was “prejudiced.”

On Tuesday, the case went to yet another judge, Domenica A. Stephenson. The three defendants could accept Stephenson, reject her, or each take a turn nixing a judge until they get one they like.

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