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Impeachment inquiry

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., appears with the leaders of six key committees to announce impeachment charges against President Donald Trump at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019.

J. Scott Applewhite

Articles Of Impeachment: What Happens Now?

Good afternoon! It’s Tuesday, and this weather makes me regret not pursuing a career as a full-time shut-in. Here’s what you need to know today. (PS: You can have this delivered to your inbox by subscribing here.)

1. House Dems unveil impeachment articles against Trump

House leaders are moving forward with two articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, appearing with the leaders of six key committees, accused President Donald Trump of violating the Constitution by pressuring Ukraine to investigate political rivals ahead of next year’s election. Trump on Twitter called today’s events “sheer Political Madness!”

What happens now? Individual lawmakers will have a chance to propose amendments, such as additional charges, before the full House is called for a vote. If the House votes to impeach Trump, then the Senate will hold a trial. [NPR]

Meanwhile, is impeachment still an effective check on the president as the nation becomes more polarized? NPR’s Nina Totenberg takes a look. [NPR]

2. Immigrants can get busted for legal weed

Immigrants living in Illinois will face huge consequences for carrying pot — even though recreational marijuana will be legal on Jan. 1. That’s because possessing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal immigration law, and the penalties include the possibility of being deported and banned from receiving legal status in the U.S.

Lawyers recommend immigrants stay away from jobs in the marijuana industry and remove references to pot from social media and text messages. [WBEZ]

3. More Dems are in governor’s mansions

Democrats are close to holding a majority of governorships, according to an analysis from NPR. In 2016, there were only 16 Democratic governors. Now, there’s 24 compared to the GOP’s 26.

The big question now is whether either party will make big gains in next year’s election. That’s a crucial one because state lawmakers will begin the once-in-a decade process of redrawing district maps. There are 11 races for governor in 2020. Republicans have their sights set on Montana and North Carolina, while Democrats are looking at New Hampshire and Vermont. [NPR]

4. SAT and ACT are illegal, lawsuit claims

NPR reports that a lawsuit will be filed in California today that challenges SAT and ACT admission requirements in the University of California system. The lawsuit argues the requirements are unconstitutional because the tests are deeply biased and do not accurately portray a student’s ability to succeed in college.

Research has shown that SAT scores are strongly linked to family income, and a student’s high school performance gives a more accurate picture of their college readiness. [NPR]

5. Greenland’s ice melt is on track for a worst-case scenario

Ice is melting much faster than expected in Greenland, which is losing ice seven times faster than in the 1990s, according to a group of polar scientists.

That means Greenland’s contribution to rising sea levels has escalated to the point where it’s on track for a dire projection laid out by the United Nations. The situation is so bad that the scientists say the United Nations will have to update its worst-case scenario with a worser-case scenario. [Washington Post]

Here’s what else is happening

  • A 4-year-old patient found sleeping on a hospital floor has put health care at the forefront of the U.K.’s election. [AP]

  • A top adviser to Mayor Lori Lightfoot is resigning amid an investigation by the city’s inspector general’s office. [Chicago Tribune]

  • “They” is Merriam-Webster’s word of the year. [CNN]

  • It’s Tuesday, and that means Nerdette has a new recap of His Dark Materials. [Apple]

Oh, and one more thing …

Quilters from across the country banded together to help finish a project started by Rita Smith, a 99-year-old woman who died this year.

It all started when Chicago artist and activist Shannon Downey visited Smith’s estate sale and found the unfinished quilt of the United States. Downey, who is behind the popular Instagram account Badass Cross Stitch, put out a call to help complete the quilt, and the response was overwhelming.

“This is her art and we’re just the hands,” Downey said. [WBEZ]

Tell me something good ...

WBEZ’s Making Beyoncé is among the podcasts that The New York Times says are “worthy of your time.” So I’d like to know what podcasts you’re listening to.

Miguel tweets:

“I’m listening to "#ElWashingtonPost,” @washingtonpost’s new podcast that shares top stories from around the SPANISH! I’m a Spanish-speaker & this is a way to get diverse perspectives AND stay attune w/my Spanish! Great even if you’re a beginner!”

What podcasts are you listening to? Feel free to email at or tweet to @whuntah.

Have a nice night! I’ll see you tomorrow. And if you like what you just read, you can subscribe to the newsletter here and have it delivered to your inbox.

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