Chicago's NPR News Source

Friday's game plan for 'Afternoon Shift': Looking good

Friday's game plan for 'Afternoon Shift': Looking good

Flickr/Jennifer Tuite

(Flickr/Jennifer Tuite)

Listen to the first hour of the show

Democratization of Design: The man behind Target's whimsical housewares, Michael Graves, joins our panel to discuss the revived interest in well-designed products in America.

3 at 3 Review Panel: Kyra Kyles & Ernest Wilkins join us to discuss the return of Mad Men and the reluctance of some writers at The Onion to move from NYC to Chicago.

Listen to the second hour of the show

Arts/Culture Beat: The weekend is here, and so too is your weekly checklist with Alison Cuddy.  She’ll preview the documentary Of Dolls and Murder, screening this Sunday at the Glessner House Museum.  Plus, an update on the Portage Theatre.

InsightLabs: Things like “going green” are no-longer relegated solely to the Birkenstock brigade. Social causes are linked to for-profit businesses more now than ever. But is more good actually being done? We’re joined by Howell Malham and Jeff Leitner from InsightLabs to chat about both corporate coopting, and the trend in the non-profit sector to run their organizations more like corporate America.

Borris Powell: Chicago fashion designer Borris Powell joins us to talk about his journey from managing an Express clothing store to sending his own designs down the red carpet.

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