Chicago's NPR News Source

Alinea restaurant's 'Babygate'

Alinea restaurant's 'Babygate'

According to a tweet by chef Grant Achatz, Saturday night, his Alinea restaurant hosted a table of diners who brought an 8 month old baby with them for the multi hour meal. The tweet said that the baby started crying and other diners at Chicago’s top rated restaurant started complaining. Achatz ended the tweet by asking if he should ban kids or subject diners to crying. The tweet triggered a storm of discussion about the place of kids, babies, parents and disruptive behavior in fine dining. Here to discuss the subject and what is now being called Alinea Babygate are Monica Eng and Louisa Chu co-hosts of WBEZ’s Chewing the Fat podcast. (Photo: Flickr/lj16)

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