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Charter schools look to expand in Indiana

A propos al to increase the number of charter schools in Indiana is moving forward with lawmakers.

A House Education Committee passed a bill to do just that and now it moves on to the full House for a vote, possibly by week’s end.

The movement comes less than two weeks after Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels said he wanted to increase charter schools statewide in his State of the State address before lawmakers.

Besides increasing the number of charter schools, the bill would al so al low charter schools to share transportation money with tradition al public schools.

Opponents, mainly Democrats, say the mmove would siphon money away from cash-strapped school districts.

But Democrats will have a tough time stopping this or any measure during this short session of the Indiana Gener al Assembly.

That’s because Republicans control both the House and Senate, al l committees, and, of course, the governor’s office.

Daniels is scheduled to visit Sister Thea Bowman Leadership Academy , a K-12th grade charter school, in Gary on Thursday.

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