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Welcome to Education This Week!

Our revamped weekly newsletter from the education teams at WBEZ and the Chicago Sun-Times offers news and insight for parents navigating the world of education and the issues facing kids today. It’s a place where frank and humble conversation reigns, between you, education journalists and professionals. Plus, each week we sprinkle in some parenting wisdom from experts and fellow readers!

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Spending plan excludes $175 million pension payment for non-teacher staff, as well as funding for upcoming teachers and principals union contracts.
The program won’t be available for the first day of school in August, CPS says, but some kids could catch buses at some point in the first quarter.
Next year’s spending plan includes saving $220 million through vacancies. The teacher’s union and some parents say it incentivizes the district to leave positions open.
The Northwestern employees were charged with obstructing police, months after the encampment came down. Now the cases have been dismissed.
Northwestern College and the American Academy of Art College shut down this month, leaving hundreds of students in the lurch.