Chicago's NPR News Source

Illinois Public Radio's Sean ...

Illinois Public Radio's Sean Crawford previews the Illinois General Assembly's fall veto session. Then, we talk with Chicago Sun-Times legal affairs reporter Abdon Pallasch about an appellate court ruling concerning patronage hiring in Chicago.

Plus, Chicago Public Radio's Jesse Hardman gives us the history of the Bridgeport institution Schaller's Pump and its relevance to the community. And, Chicago Public Radio's Sonari Glinton reports on the southwest side school that's in the shadow of U.S. Cellular Field. Also, medical contributor Dr. Quentin Young talks with University of Chicago political scientist Eric Oliver about his new book Fat Politics: The Real Story Behind America's Obesity Epidemic (Oxford University Press, 2005).

Chicago Public Radio's Andrew Gill reports on one man's efforts to gather produce from northeastern Illinois farms to feed the hungry. Steve Edwards talks with Irene Lilienheim Angelico, coproducer of the new documentary Unbreakable Minds, about the struggles of the mentally ill.

And literary critic Donna Seaman discusses the spiritual nature of fiction, the decline of reading, and some of the interviews collected in her new book, Writers on the Air: Conversations about Books (Paul Dry Books, 2005). And we'll bring you an excerpt of Chicagoan Janet Blum's conversation with her friend Nancy Black Perlson from the StoryCorps MobileBooth.

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