Chicago's NPR News Source

Fallout from Rezko Trial

Fallout from Rezko Trial

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The corruption trial of political fundraiser Tony Rezko has taken some startling turns this week. First, former state official Ali Ata pled guilty in a separate hearing to buying his job with bribes and campaign contributions. Then yesterday, a prosecutor laid out a scenario that, if true, would mean public officials and political operators in Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's inner circle schemed to derail a criminal probe through backroom dealings.

By that account, Ata says he and Rezko talked over a plan to squash the federal investigation into Rezko by having another Illinois powerbroker lean on White House political honcho Karl Rove. Their target: U. S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Rove's attorney says that didn't happen, and Governor Blagojevich has not been accused of doing anything illegal. But the charge is serious enough that even his number-two, Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn, expressed deep concerns yesterday.

As the Rezko trial nears the two-month mark, it continues to shine lights into long-darkened corners of state politics. For a little more illumination on these latest developments, we're joined by CLTV political reporter Carlos Hernandez-Gomez.

Music Button: cinemaphonic, "Mr. Max" from the CD Electro Soul (Emperor Norton)

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