Chicago's NPR News Source

Month in Review: Campaigning Heats up Before the Primary

January is always a busy month. Last year on this day in Illinois, the state senate ousted one governor. And today we prepare for a primary election that could unseat another. Meanwhile, we've seen more school closings, the reappearance of that pesky Asian carp and, of course,  it wouldn't be Chicago without a questionable fundraiser or two.

The month of January brought extraordinary sadness at home and abroad. But we're committed to forging ahead into 2010. So here to put the stories of the first month of the year to bed – or at least down for a nap are three esteemed guests. Joining us are Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune, Hermene Hartman of N’Digo, and journalist Rich Samuels.

Alison prepares for the Month in Review around the office

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