Chicago's NPR News Source

Feds Offer More Mortgage Help

Feds Offer More Mortgage Help

(AP file/David Zalubowski)

President Barack Obama has announced a new package of initiatives aimed at keeping people out of foreclosure. The enhanced Home Affordable Modification Program comes just over a year after Obama announced the original plan. That plan has not delivered for millions of homeowners many of whom are out of work, underwater—or both. So, is this the rescue plan people really need? More importantly—is it the rescue plan you need? We have some experts to explain the new program and we're taking calls, emails, and tweets today to answer your mortgage questions.

Dennis Rodkin—Writes the Deal Estate column for Chicago Magazine Michael van Zalingen—Director of Homeownership Services at Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago
Phil Ashton—Professor of urban planning and public policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Facing the Mortgage Crisis

Music Button:  Tommy T, "Tribute to a King", from the CD The Prester John Sessions, (Easy Star)

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