Chicago's NPR News Source

Madam Mayor? The Female Prospects for Chicago’s Fifth Floor Office

The only woman to run Chicago was one of the city's more progressive mayors. Jane Byrne famously moved into Cabrini Green in 1981 to draw attention to the violence there. Of course, she then returned home to her Gold Coast apartment – leading some to call her move a political stunt. But Byrne did go up against the machine, and she did draw support from some of Chicago's polarized constituencies – women, gays, blacks and whites. Is there another woman on the horizon who can do the same?

Supporters of former Democratic U.S. Sen. Carol Moseley Braun yesterday began circulating petitions in her “almost candidacy” for mayor. But there haven't been many other women clamoring to be Madam Mayor. Why not? To answer that question we're joined by Chicago Sun-Times columnist Laura Washington and political affairs counsel and women's issues strategist Rebecca Sive.

Music Button:  Brad Goode, "Tight Like This", from the CD Tight Like This, (Delmark)

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