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Death penalty and tax hike get Gov. Quinn's attention in lame duck session

Death penalty and tax hike get Gov. Quinn's attention in lame duck session

If abolished, Illinois would be the 16th state to outlaw the death penalty.


The saying goes that nothing is certain in life except death and taxes. That may well be the fate all of us face. Politicians on the other hand, generally try to avoid going there: Not the Illinois General Assembly.

This week lawmakers passed the largest income-tax hike in state history as well as a bill to end the state’s death penalty. Gov. Pat Quinn says he will approve the increase in personal and corporate taxes but he hasn’t publicly voiced whether or not he will sign the death penalty bill, which would also end Illinois’ 10 year moratorium. So what are the political implications of these decisions? Could they derail Quinn – who otherwise seems to be on a roll in this lame-duck session?

To help "Eight Forty-Eight" sort it out, Christopher Mooney, professor of political studies at the University of Illinois at Springfield joined the conversation. Mooney is the founding editor of State Politics and Policy Quarterly.

Music Button: Eighth Blackbird, "Variations on Sea-Time Mesozoic", from the CD Beginnings, (Cedille)

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