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Rahm Emanuel's residency ruled a problem by Appellate Court

Rahm Emanuel's residency ruled a problem by Appellate Court

An Illinois Appellate Court ruled Monday that Emanuel does not meet the residency standards required to run for mayor.

WBEZ/Sam Hudzick

Monday, an Illinois Appellate Court threw a wrench in the mayoral candidacy of Rahm Emanuel. By a decision of 2-1, the court said Emanuel does not meet the residency standards required to run for mayor.

Meanwhile the Chicago Board of Elections says it has gone ahead and placed an order to print about two million ballots, all without Emanuel’s name. Emanuel has filed an appeal to have the Illinois Supreme Court stay the ruling and restore his candidacy.

Whether they will take the case is not clear. Also merky is where all of this leaves Chicago voters. So to find out more, "Eight Forty-Eight" turned to Dean Harold Krent of the Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago-Kent College of Law. Krent said he’s surprised by the court's decision.

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