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Chicago a cappella performs sacred Jewish music from their new album

Chicago a cappella performs sacred Jewish music from their new album

Chicago a cappella is a classical voice ensemble with a repertoire spanning from Gregorian chant to the Beatles.

Photo courtesy of Chicago a cappella

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, begins Wednesday night at sundown and the High Holidays will conclude 10 days later with Yom Kippur. Each holiday has prayers and songs that are heard only on these specific days. Now, many more can enjoy them thanks to the group Chicago a cappella. Days of Awe and Rejoicing: Radiant Gems of Jewish Music is their new CD. Members of the group came to WBEZ's Jim and Kay Maybe Performance Studio to sing a few songs and talk about the project with Eight Forty Eight’s Jason Marck.

Chicago A Cappella-Shehechianu

Chicago A Cappella-Reader's Kaddish from the N'ilah Service

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