Chicago's NPR News Source

Eight Forty-Eight 10.18.2011

Eight Forty-Eight 10.18.2011

Gov. Quinn said that he does not want slot machines to be the first image people see when they visit Chicago airports.

Flickr/Raging Wire

Gov. Pat Quinn announced Monday that he would veto the current gambling expansion bill if it ever reached his desk. In its place, he offered the “framework” for a scaled-back alternative. WBEZ’s Kristen McQueary joined Eight Forty-Eight to discuss how Quinn’s announcement might affect a future Chicago casino and the upcoming fall veto session. And, WBEZ’s Steve Edwards talked to Sam Skolnik about his book High Stakes: The Rising Cost of America’s Gambling Addiction, an in-depth look at the true costs of gambling. Then, history is full of the search for “magic bullets,” those quick tickets to jobs and economic prosperity. Changing Gears Michigan reporter Kate Davidson shares stories of magic bullets--both past and present--in the Midwest. And, Julianne Hill continues WBEZ's Out of the Shadows series with a report on why the number of children diagnosed as bipolar rose forty fold from 1995 to 2005. Then, Dr. Mani Pavuluri of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Brad Stolbach of LaRabida Children’s Hospital and Dr. Ross Greene discuss the causes and treatments of children's mental illness.

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