Chicago's NPR News Source

Funding cuts threaten local homeless prevention programs

Funding cuts threaten local homeless prevention programs

A new survey assesses the impact of recent cuts to homeless prevention programs on the local services they provide.

Flickr/Ed Yourdon

Homeless prevention programs were feeling the funding squeeze at both the state and federal level. In 2009, programs had access to $11 million in state funds but the number steadily declined to reach the $1.5 million earmarked for this year. This week, several homeless prevention and advocacy organizations planned to release a survey which assessed the impact of these cuts on the local services they provide. According to a survey from the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, over half of Illinois homeless prevention agencies will run out of funds by end of December.

Julie Dworkin, director of policy at the coalition, talked about the survey results. Eight Forty-Eight was also joined by Carl Wolf, executive director of Respond Now to talk more about next steps for his south suburban agency as they faced shrinking funds.

Music Button: Robert Miles, "Antimony", from the album Thirteen, (Salt)

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