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City Council anticipating ward map compromise--and parliamentary maneuvers

City Council anticipating ward map compromise--and parliamentary maneuvers

Aldermen hear complaints about a map backed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

WBEZ/Chip Mitchell

The remap of Chicago's 50 wards was not quite a done deal. The Chicago City Council's rules committee met Thursday morning and they were expected to pass a compromise map. However, it may not get past the full City Council Thursday because at least two aldermen plan to delay a vote with a parliamentary procedure called a, "defer and publish." WBEZ's reporter Sam Hudzik joined Eight Forty-Eight from City Hall and WBEZ's Chip Mitchell joined the show from WBEZ's West Side bureau, near where a public hearing on the map was held Wednesday night. Then, former alderman Helen Shiller (46th) related her experience of having to go through the process of remaps after the 1990 and 2000 censuses.

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