Chicago's NPR News Source

The economic fallout of leaving the Iran nuclear deal

Iran agreed to a slew of limits on its nuclear program three years ago in exchange for lifting decades of international sanctions from the United States and five other countries. The year after the deal went into place, Iran's real GDP grew by 12.5 percent. Growth has certainly fallen off since then, and there were protests in Iran this winter over economic inequality. Now that President Donald Trump has withdrawn from the deal and threatened new sanctions, what happens to U.S. companies doing business there? And businesses of other countries in the deal? That's where we're starting today. Then, we'll examine the story of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who positioned himself as an ally of #MeToo before stepping down today amid allegations of abuse. Plus, the Parkland shooting has renewed demand for a whole range of products and services to make schools safer from gun violence. We'll take a look at that market.

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