Chicago's NPR News Source

Coca-cola teams up with city to raise fitness awareness

Coca-cola teams up with city to raise fitness awareness

Over the last year the City of Chicago has entered into partnerships with soda companies--most prominently Coca-Cola--to fund various health and sustainability programs in the city. The first was a $5 million beverage industry funded health challenge between city employees in Chicago and San Antonio. Last weekend Washington Park and the Chicago Park District hosted Coca-Cola Family Field Day where the company's name was plastered all over the park. Some public health watchdogs--including Eat Drink Politics and Center for Science in the Public Interest-- are concerned that the companies are trying to create a healthy glow around their product and co-opt city officials to keep them from passing the kind of anti-soda rules that have been passed in Boston and New York and other cities. The city and soda companies say this is a way to fund vital programs and make these companies part of the solution. We hear from some of the critics on why they think this is a bad marriage. Photo: Flickr/Corey Ann

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