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Back From The Brink, Sandhill Cranes Make Their Way Through Chicago

Sandhill cranes

In this March 15, 2018 image, Sandhill cranes dance near Gibbon, Neb.

Nati Harnik

Millions of migratory birds fly through Chicago each year, including a booming population of Sandhill cranes.

Morning Shift talks to bird conservation experts Judy Pollock and Annette Prince about the recent resurgence of Sandhill cranes in the Chicago area and efforts to protect them from the city’s tall buildings.

GUEST: Judy Pollock, vice president at Chicago Audubon Society

Annette Prince, director of the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors

LEARN MORE: Sandhill cranes, flying overhead, say the natural world is coming alive (Chicago Sun-Times 3/23/18)

Sandhill cranes bounce back from brink as migration over Illinois to peak next week (Chicago Tribune 11/15/17)

Bird Friendly Chicago

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