Sign up for the WBEZ Neighborhood News Newsletter

Discover the heart of your beloved Chicago neighborhood through the numbers. Crafted by trusted WBEZ data reporters, this weekly briefing helps you grasp your neighborhood better by exploring the rich tapestry of the city's diverse areas.

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    Get personalized statistics that pertain to your Chicago neighborhood.

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    Dive into comprehensive analyses and data-rich stories about the larger city, all through the lens of your local community.

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    Gain insights into the economic, social and cultural trends that influence your neighborhood, presented through informative graphs and charts.

ABOUT OUR DATA: WBEZ references the 77 official community areas in Chicago to monitor statistics for this newsletter. These boundaries are separate from what Chicagoans commonly identify with neighborhoods, which have unofficial borders. To ensure you receive the newsletter you want, you can reference this official map .

ABOUT OUR DATA: WBEZ references the 77 official community areas in Chicago to monitor statistics for this newsletter. These boundaries are separate from what Chicagoans commonly identify with neighborhoods, which have unofficial borders. To ensure you receive the newsletter you want, you can reference this official map .