Chicago's NPR News Source
Nerdette + The Nerdette logo or tile says Nerdette in what looks like sharpie script. There are zany blobs floating around.

Laura Vergara

Nerdette + The Nerdette logo or tile says Nerdette in what looks like sharpie script. There are zany blobs floating around.

Laura Vergara

Burden or delight?

Laura Vergara


In our new game “Burden or delight?,” we ask our panelists to determine if stories from the week’s news are in fact burdensome or delightful. To give it a try, we invited WEBZ metro reporter Adora Namigadde and The Rundown podcast host Erin Allen to play along with us. We consider a surprise discovery of one million pennies, a new single from The Beatles, and waking up at your own funeral.

Then, we talk to author Jessi Kneeland about their new book Body Neutral: A Revolutionary Guide To Overcoming Body Image Issues.

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Peter Sagal and co-host emeritus Tricia Bobeda play Burden or Delight!