Chicago's NPR News Source


The defense accused the aunt of the alleged victim of not doing duties that come with her job. Delores Gibson is a Chicago police officer. After some family members viewed the videotape, it was not immediately turned in to the police. The defense accused Gibson of taking part in a crime - child pornography. The defense says the tape is a phony and the family is trying to hustle money out of Kelly. The Edwards family often ate dinner together on Sundays after church, but family members say the tape has caused a rift. Apparently there were conflicting views on how to handle the situation of the tape. Now, back at decorum central...another member of the press felt the wrath of Judge Gaughan. The sketch artist for the Chicago Tribune got her media credential revoked for drawing a picture that had images of the jurors.

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It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.