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Sam Adam Jr.

We heard him at the beginning of the trial and we’ll hear him at the end. The youngest member of R. Kelly’s legal defense team will give closing statements on Thursday. He’s the sartorial Sam Adam Jr. In opening statements, Adam, 35, said in a thunderous voice that the man in the sex tape is not Kelly. We’ve heard his animation and aggressive cross-examinations. Sometimes he even jokes with reporters about the gag order on the case. Adam grew up on Chicago’s South Side. He spent time in the halls of 26th and California, watching his renowned defense lawyer father Sam Adam Sr. in courtrooms. The younger Sam also grew up observing the late Judge Eugene Pincham. Adam attended the University of Wisconsin for undergrad and law school. He’s been practicing law for about 10 years, and Adam has his own firm. His law clerk says Adam has only lost a handful of jury trials out of dozens. He represents embattled former Ald. Arenda Troutman. In the Kelly trial, the bespectacled Adam is forceful yet charming. It’s clear that Sam Jr. has inherited some of his legal skills from Sam Sr. Luckily, Jr. has his own fashion sense that includes colorful shirt-and-tie combos like pinks, blues and purples. Conversely, the elder Sam loves to wear a tattered-looking forest green blazer. Most of his closet has the palette of retro shag carpet. Sam Sr. is on Kelly’s defense team, too. So are Marc Martin and the ever-busy Ed Genson.

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