Chicago's NPR News Source

Briefly from the City Room

Back to back blog posts? Who do I look like? Natalie Moore? Anyway, here’s a quick look at what’s going on today.

  • President Bush offered his four point plan to lower gas prices yesterday. He called for offshore drilling, tapping the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, mining energy out of shale stones, and increasing refineries. [youtube -i2cvro0QBk] Democratic leaders, including Illinois Senators Barack Obama and Dick Durbin aren’t too keen on the plan. So we decided to ask you the (wo)man on the street how to lower those pesky gasoline prices. We call it a vox, short for Vox Populi, which I believe is Latin for “awesome radio.”
  • A killer fish virus with the delightful name “Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia” has hit lake Michigan and beyond. We had a story this past weekend, the Trib has a rather graphic story up today, and we’ll have new developments for this afternoon.
  • Governor Rod Blagojevich’s top spokeswoman, Abby Ottenhoff is leaving her post. She’s the fourth third high-profile member of the Governor’s team to step down in the last few weeks. We’ll take a closer look at this mini-exodus. Also, you know you’re a big-shot when there’s a website with your most famous quotes.
  • Aaaand last but not least, our Criminal Justice reporter will look at the charges laid against sixty-seven alleged “mortgage fraud schemers” in the Chicago area . Apparently, they’re among the hundreds busted nation-wide today.
The Latest
It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.