Chicago's NPR News Source

Spoiler Alert: No video (sort of)

I’m sorry there is so much video on the site right now. I’ve really dug in with the little camera I have and I’ve been pulling snippets from all over the place. But this post? Just words. We are staying in the Millenium Hotel in downtown Minneapolis. It’s a trek over to downtown St. Paul where the convention is located. And so far, most of the events and parties are in one town or another. This isn’t centrally located and it is making it very difficult to move around. Cabs are plentiful, but to go from St. Paul to Mlps (that is the correct shorthand), it is about $30. The Millenium hotel is right on the main drag here and I’ve walked to the Panera Bread and the Caribou Coffee already today. I walk with my blue blazer and khaki pants with my credentials dangling around my neck. Each time I walked into these establishments, I’ve been given the stink-eye from various locals. They just want to jump down my throat and let me know what their political views are, or more importantly, dispute mine. If I had any. The other thing I notice from schmoozing or hanging out at events is the way republicans (huge generalization here) are excited to sell John McCain. Dems didn’t really push Obama, they were the front-runners. But I’ve heard “and THAT’s why I like John McCain” in multiple conversations. They are spreading his word, one public radio blogger at a time. I’m off to the convention center in a little bit. I’ve been cooped up in this hotel room for the past 2 hours uploading video and catching up on all my stories. Tonight, I will get some more pictures and video of the IL delegation and maybe try to get on an AM conservative talk radio show. Arggggh, I didn’t want to do it, but here’s video from radio row..

The Latest
It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.