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Obama Did It...Without Indiana

Obama has wrapped up his acceptance speech in Grant Park, but Indiana has still not been called. The candidate spent unprecedented dollars in the key battleground state, but even at the 11th hour, the race is still very tight. Chicago Public Radio reporter Mike Puente is at the Lake County Government Center in Crown Point. While people across the world were fixated on their television screens, it was all business in Lake County. Votes are still being tallied, but Mike Puente reports that Obama is up by 15,000 votes with 99% counted. The majority of the votes left are mostly absentee ballots that are not likely to affect results. So, while the election has been called without the help of Indiana, it appears that Obama’s money was well still well-spent. Speaking of our fine neighbors to the east, I found a short world reaction slide show courtesy of the Indianapolis Star : World reaction to the Obama victory - More IndyStar Galleries
View this gallery at IndyStar: World reaction to the Obama victory

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