Chicago's NPR News Source

Merchandise Mart Billy Goat serves fries. Let's file a class action lawsuit.

Today is the last day we can wear linen. That’s why I busted out my all-linen suit today. We are on fire with our blog investigative reporting unit. So the Billy Goat has made a million/billion dollars by serving Coke, no Pepsi. And no fries, chips. They have the tourist market cornered. But the Billy Goat at the Merchandise Mart has fries.‚ And the Navy Pier location has Pepsi, no Coke. What’s up? I smell a class-action lawsuit. Seriously, we are breaking news everywhere. So any other tips we should know about? Ashley’s story on the homeless in Uptown continues to be our most popular story on the web. And this isn’t the first time a story about Uptown has exploded on the site. So if you want to start a new web site, make it about the issues in Uptown and you’ll get super-traffic. Illinois’ Dentists aren’t getting paid on time. I would hate to be Governor Quinn. Because the next time he goes in for a cleaning? They are going to massacre his gums. That’s the Chicago (dentist) way. The media loves a good breast-feeding story. A woman on Chicago’s north side was harassed for breast-feeding in public. She is now very angry. So much so, she is having a breast-feeding sit-in today in Lincoln Square. And finally, I’m excited about the possibility of an Anna Davlantes/Bob Sirott pairing on CBS Chicago. The rumors are flying that when both anchors come free from their NBC contracts, they will team up on Channel 2. I, for one, would love it. I will become a loyal follower of the tandem under one condition...Sirott brings back the curly perm. Then we let the good times roll! (West 57th from the 80’s, Sirott at :56 in...)

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It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.