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Washington to Denmark via the 'Chicago Way'

sanchezobama Will he or won’t he? Will Obama go to Denmark to pitch Chicago as the Olympic city or will he stay home? Will he use his overwhelming, international, and according to some at NASA, intergalactic star power to woo IOC members to choose Chicago over the other cities? Will he use his shining smile to overwhelm the judgment of IOC members so they don’t need to focus on the content of the respective bids, just Barack’s pearly whites? Will he use his fame as a payoff of sorts for IOC members who want to rub shoulders with the Barack star? Will he be true to his roots, Chicago? Will he stay true to the Chicago way? Merits of the bids be damned -- will he just twist some f--king arms already? Here’s the question: [poll id="52"] And... [poll id="53"]

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