Chicago's NPR News Source

Bubby Creek: Is plush toilet paper destroying the environment?

Today’s most intriguing headline comes from the Washington Post, but it has a very local angle. Perhaps the most local angle possible. Apparently America has luxurious tastes in toilet paper compared to the rest of the world. And just like Escalades and factory farms, cushy, quilted 4-ply could be harmful to the environment. In the Chicago media, I expect 70-80% of all stories to be Olympic-related for the next 8 days, at least. Of course, the Olympic fashion story is big today, as well as the constant updates on who’s going/not going/maybe going to Copenhagen. My favorite Olympic story at the moment is finding out who is behind Chicagoans For Rio. WBEZ News Producer Ammad Omar reached out to the group through their website, but they refuse to reveal their identity or talk over the phone. It turns out Greg Hinz had a similar experience. Can anyone help us figure out who’s behind this? They use a Gmail account - maybe we could get the Data Liberation Front to help us out? Also on the Olympic front, The Chicago Reporter recently found the City of Chicago owns an alarming number of properties around Olympic venue sites. And finally, today Rob Wildeboer had a spot on the downstate sheriff’s office whose bank reposessed most of their squad cars.

The Latest
It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.