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Chicago 2016: Would Olympic success vault Daley II's legacy past father's?

Last year, David Bernstein, a senior editor at Chicago magazine, wrote a must-read profile of the junior Daley, comparing his time in the mayor’s office to his father’s. Working on this story about what the Olympics mean or could mean for how history judges the current mayor, I sat down with Bernstein. I asked him the big legacy question. Bernstein - legacy Part of this, Bernstein says, relates to Daley’s efforts to put the city “more squarely on the map.” Bernstein - map Bernstein says that if Chicago doesn’t win the Games this week, “there’s a lot of speculation” about Daley’s next steps, politically. Bernstein - next steps So where does that leave the mayor when it comes to historic rankings? I asked Bernstein, if the city does host the Games, and if everything goes off as planned, will the younger Daley top his father in the history books? Bernstein - compare

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