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Sound bite of the day: The Todd Stroger montage

I’ve attended my share of Cook County board meetings since Todd Stroger was elected president. Almost every meeting has its share of shouting matches between the strong political personalities, and the conflicts often occur between Stroger and Commissioner Tony Peraica. One thing Stroger has repeatedly berated Peraica about is letting him do his job, aka conduct the meeting and follow the rules of order without interruption on board protocol. So to give you an idea of what the scene is like, here’s a little montage of the Stroger talking over commissioners (including Tony Peraica and Larry Suffredin) at today’s meeting, ordering them to let him do his job. stroger montage

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It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.