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My Letter to Santa (and parents/post office): Can you please tell kids to stop asking for DSi?

This year, I took part in the Letters to Santa program at the USPS.‚ You walk in and there are letters separated by boy and girl and if you want letters from families instead of individuals. My wife and I chose girl and randomly selected a letter from the pile. Ours was: “I want a DSi and Wii. My brother wants an XXL North Face jacket."‚ We felt bad, but that was too much to handle financially.‚ So we chose another letter. “My name is John and I am 24. I would like a laptop and a DSi.” What’s with the DSi? And you are 24? And you are a dude?” So after going through several of those letters that were from inappropriate ages asking for insanely expensive electronics, we settled on this letter: letterstosanta Yeah, it’s for a one-year old. And looking closely, it’s a photocopy with the name written in and the gift request written in pen. Nothing says Xmas spirit like a photocopied chain letter from a (fill in blank) one-year old. Someone in the City Room suggested it was handed out at school. I could buy that, but I don’t know too many one-year olds getting handouts at the end of 6th period. But you know what - it cost us little and it made us feel good that maybe someone would be able to enjoy Karen Katz’s‚ “Ears, Nose and Toes” book. Even if it is re-sold on the black-market. (And spare me the 30 Rock comparisons. That was TV, this is real life.) When I dropped off the present, CBS-2 was at the post office. They interviewed me about my gift and after 3 unsuccessful jokes about how crazy it was that people wanted a DSi, I gave them the quote, “Yeah, my wife and I want to give back and hopefully we can help make someone’s holiday.” And you know, that pretty much sums it up.

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