Chicago's NPR News Source

The great Chicago 'snow advisory' is not going to stop us from blogging.

Top story: The weather. Oh no. Am I the only person who doesn’t trust the weatherman any more? My wife is worried about the drive to Indiana on Christmas day. I say, I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m just like those‚ guys in Cloverfield that don’t leave right away.‚ Yeah, sure, there’s a big alien eating things. Whatever. B story: Ah, there’s nothing like getting Illinois’ residents to buy into a plan that helps save for their child’s education. That’s noble. Until you lose half of their investments. So who’s to blame? The Illinois treasurer says “not it.” Is that what the Illinois treasurer does? Invests my money? So my broker was once Judy Baar Topinka? Cool. C story: The Chicago Free Press took it’s name literally this week when the owners stopped paying its employees. It’s like the movie Office Space. Just stop paying employees and they’ll get the hint. Can someone please do a story on why companies like to do this around the holidays? D story: Al Sanchez is going to get another trial. The government witness that caused the conviction to be thrown out was allegedly arrested 18 times. Eight of those arrests were felony charges. And the government kept that a secret from the defense. Good call! I wouldn’t tell a jury that a key witness has more arrests than your cousin Eric from downstate. Well played, defense. Feature: Here’s a Google map of just how close the St. Johannes Cemetery is to O’Hare Airport. A DuPage County‚ judge has ruled that the City of Chicago can acquire the cemetery for a new runway. That’s too bad. I remember my grandparents taking me to watch planes take off and land. I’m sure several Chicagoans have that memory. Sports: We’re doing decade wrap-ups this week. Today, we’ll talk about the Bulls (later on the blog). Man o man, they had a bad decade. Did you know they were 129 games under .500? Did you know that Reinsdorf fired 2 coaches on Christmas Eve and one right before Thanksgiving? Did you know the Bulls should have landed Yao Ming? And did you know that Greg Anthony played on the Bulls? Kicker:I found this the other day: a Miley Cyrus parody done by Chicago band The Fold. It’s funny and it is shot entirely on their iPhone. It also has 200,000 hits on Youtube, so I’m pretty late to the game. Editors note: The City of Chicago will shut down for X-mas Eve for cost-cutting measures. Not here. We’ll still be working tomorrow (well, probably just Feder and some viral video). Agh, damn! I should have kept the Miley cover for tomorrow...

The Latest
It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.