Chicago's NPR News Source

Inter Mission: Easily Distrac...

Don’t forget to check out this week’s mission: ATM: Always Trust Magic.

The powers that be here at WBEZ tell me that what a new blog (like this) really needs right out of the gate is a little buzz, some swirling-about-the-internet, check-this-out chatter. So what do you say we trade BUZZ FOR A BUZZ?

You all help me reach 15,000 views by Friday, and guess what---drinks are on me!

It’s super simple: You help spread the word by tweeting, blogging, Facebook, email, skywriting, whatever suits your fancy. And then just email me your name and city. If this here blog hits 15,000 page views by Friday, you will get an email announcing the Chicago hotspot location and time where drinks will be on me!

Don’t live in or near Chicago? I will be making a special short film thanking each and everyone one of you non-Chicagoans by name, and then posting it here for the world to see.


1. Start spreading the word NOW (or as soon as you’ve had your coffee) about “mission amy k.r.

2. Once you’ve done your part (and I don’t need any proof of your efforts, I trust you), email your name and city/town:

3. Stay tuned for news on Friday! And thank you everyone”


The Latest
It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.