Chicago's NPR News Source

#2 This week's mission: Let's learn a little something from our kids

Week #2 here at MISSion Amy K.R.! So let’s go with a 2-ish theme, shall we?

I now present to you..."22 Things My Children Have Taught Me." (And you know how many ducks there are in the kiddie pool, don’t you...)

That wonderful voice you hear: that’s Brooklyn-based musician Elizabeth Mitchell.

Click through to find out this week’s mission:

MISSION: Take a couple minutes to reflect on what the children in your life have taught you. (Maybe they’re your children, maybe they’re your nieces/nephews/grandchildren/godchildren/your students, etc.)

SHARE: Email us your 2 favorite reflections/learnings at

Off we go

miss amy k.r.

P.S. Thanks again everyone for a fantastic Week #1... and in response to last Wednesday’s Inter Mission post, stay tuned for my “video thank you...”

P.S.S. ATM! Always trust magic.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Things we’ve learned from our kids

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