Chicago's NPR News Source

#9 This Week's Mission: MAKE A WISH

There’s something quietly powerful about closing your eyes and making a wish, isn’t there? There’s a gentle/strong juxtaposition at play: the gestures/customs themselves are typically gentle acts

(throwing a penny in a fountain; blowing out the birthday candles; blowing on a fallen eyelash; blowing a dandelion), but inside we arewishing oh-so hard.

Because I haven’t quite figured out a way to morph into a genie and grant you all wishes, we’ve done the next best thing:


This week’s mission is simple: Call 312-948-4690, close your eyes, and make your wish! Be sure to say your wish clearly SO THE WISH FAIRIES HEAR YOU.

You can be totally anonymous, or you can leave your name. Your wish can be personal, or altruistic. I assure you the mission has no judgment.

I am going to do my part to help your wishes come true by creating something special with all the wishes/audio. I will present that to you (and to the wish fairies) back here Friday.

Off we go!

miss amy k.r.

P.S. Tomorrow is my daughter and my nephew’s birthday, so... Paris, Matthew...close your eyes and make a wish! Love you both...

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: May All Your Wishes Come True

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