Chicago's NPR News Source

Factory Report: Secrets

Inspired by Frank Warren’s Post Secret Project (where people send in postcards with secrets anonymously), we’ve begun collecting audio secrets. Here’s a sample of the non-filthy ones submitted so far. Got something you want to get off your chest? Call 888.963.1112. We’ll mask your voice using state of the art 20th century technology. I Have a Crush on My Mom’s Friend: secret-crush on mom fren I Blanked in My Pants (You suck!): secret-I s__t my pants Paranormal Activity Got Me Scared: secret-im scared I’m a Soldier: secrets-soldier

The Latest
It’s election day, and hundreds of teens are serving as election judges. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments today in a case that could impact more than one million student people in Illinois with college debt. Local groups are stepping up to provide shelter for asylum seekers arriving in Chicago.