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Illinois Democrat Votes Against Health Care Bill

A massive health care overhaul bill is now headed for President Obama’s desk. It passed the U.S. House last night - without the vote of one Chicago-area Democrat.

South suburban Rep. Dan Lipinski is the only Illinois Democrat who voted against the health care bill. He was one of 34 House Democrats who voted “no.” Not a single Republican supported the measure.

In a statement on his Web site, Lipinski says the $940 billion overhaul is too expensive, and was marred by backroom deals to benefit pharmaceutical companies and special interest groups. But his major sticking point was abortion. Several conservative House Democrats had been withholding their support because they say the bill would provide federal funding for abortion. Many of them were won over when the White House announced Sunday that President Obama would issue an executive order reaffirming the current ban on federal abortion funding. But Lipinski held his ground, saying he was “deeply disappointed” in the final bill.

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