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Gang leaders to hold press conference. Clergy to hold press conference. Do you have a press conference we should know about?


Top story: Wow. The Sun-Times looks at Cincinnati’s gang summit after violence spun out of control in that fine city. The murder rate went down 40%. Joe Moore? Your rebuttal please.‚ I will say this is getting very, very surreal. Notorious gang-leaders, the kind that usually stay out of the spotlight for fear of arrest, are gathering at the Columbus Park Refectory to denounce police in a very public press conference. This is worth-watching. Gang leaders today, then clergy. Before that we had alderman, police, mayor. I’m just waiting for the Water Reclamation commissioners to weigh in. Who would you like to weigh in on the police/gang summit? I’ll start - I would love to hear what Dennis Farina would say. As a former TV cop, I’ll bet he has an opinion. Actually here’s the bit: You tell me who I should track down today for comment on this story and I’ll do it. Highest bidder wins. B story: John Kass goes off on Michael Madigan today. He says Illinois should be renamed Madiganistan. There are a lot of claims from Pat Brady (IL GOP chair) about ethical improprieties while in office. And because Steve Brown (Madigan’s spokesman) has “Madigan Chicago News Blogs Ethical Accusations” for his Google alert, he can respond on behalf of the speaker. While we’re at it Steve, let’s get your boss for a Wikipedia Files! Wouldn’t that be great? C story:‚ Top 5 gelatos in Chicago! Top 5 gelatos in Chicago! Top 5 gelatos in Chicago! D story:‚ Mike Miner has a story this week about the Trib going ad-less for their new premium Sunday paper. You pay more? You get no ads. Sounds like a model a certain public radio station uses. Next, they will be doing whole sections talking about cars and Minnesota folk. Weather: It’s raining. Sports: The Big Ten just got exciting. Listen, I love college football and the Big Ten. But my excitement drops off right after Ohio State/Michigan in November. By the time they hit the bowl games, I’ve moved on. It’s that 2 month lag. Now, the idea of splitting up and giving us a Big Ten championship will make this blogger their #1 fan. Kudos to the Big Ten for making the change. I can’t wait to waste my Saturdays this fall. GO BLUE RED PURPLE um, is there a MAGENTA?! Kicker:‚ I saw this on Reddit today. Just kind of rung true while providing a chuckle:
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